Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Team Taylor Church

This is my beautiful friend Taylor Church and her son Aiden. I ask that you read her story below and finish the rest of the story on please send lots of prayers and positive thoughts you can also donate to help with medical bills on the website. Her story is also featured on ABC news channel 10 for everyone in San Diego, California tonight at 11 p.m. 

"Taylor Church is a spirited, fun loving, vivacious 21-year old.  On Wednesday May 16th, Taylor was taken to the emergency room at Palomar hospital after suffering several days of flu like symptoms.  After being examined they realized she had Sepsis, a severe infection of the bloodstream.
Three days later she had double pneumonia, extremely low blood pressure, and a racing heart rate. By Saturday morning she was put in a drug induced coma and placed on a ventilator as one by one her organs began to shut down.
On Monday, June 4, Taylor had both of her legs amputated just below the knee and her hands will be amputated later this week as the result of the powerful medication required to treat sepsis.
Taylor Church’s dad Chris served 25 years in the United States Marine Corp with his wife Laurie by his side for the past 26 years. The family is not only experiencing tremendous heartache right now but also some financial burdens with more to come to pay for Taylor’s care."

for the rest of the story please go to

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