Am I the only one out there who has a child that's a complete drama queen sometimes? I swear I do not know where she gets her attitude from definitely not from me. ;) so today she was being a total brat, for me to blog about it means it was serious. When I say brat I mean pouring water out of the tub on purpose, standing up in the basket at target (while buckled in), screaming because I wanted to watch scandal and she wanted to watch Angelina Ballerina for the millionth time today... the list goes on and on. So she's not two yet but I think she is prepping me for the "terrible twos". So its night time I always think my hair is going to fall out after days like this. Most of my thoughts consist of locking myself in the bathroom with a candy bar and letting her run wild with the dogs, while watching Angelina ballerina. Then this no good terrible toddler turns into sweet loving angel baby. "Mom, MOM, MOOOOM, tiss, tiss, tiss, Huuuuuu(insert silent G)". Translation is Mom I know I drove you crazy all day but I'm going to make up for it by giving you sweet kisses and hugs. THEN guess what the little tricky babe does next.... She tells me to lay down and starts trying to brush my hair, how does something so simple and small melt my heart like a popsicle on the fourth of July! This girl sure does know how to drive me crazy, her pull on my heart is so much stronger though. Just when you think you can't handle the day any longer, the little sourpatch kid will do something to remind you it is absolutely positively worth every strand of hair that falls out from stress, the flooded bathroom floor, the burnt food in the oven, the stains from sticky fingers on your new outfit. If at the end of the day you haven't went through some type of stressful mommy moment your probably not doing your job right ;) jk your just one lucky lady. Oh and ignore all of my typos and punctuation. I am a terrible writer and I also love run-on sentences.